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Seven Ways to Boost Online Sales With Social Media

December 4, 2015

Seven Ways to Boost Online Sales With Social Media

This holiday season retailers around the country are gearing up for massive sales. Advertising through social media is an inexpensive and simple way to boost your website’s overall traffic, create brand recognition and most importantly; create conversions.

However, there is more than meets the eye when it comes to efficient advertising via social media. In order to truly captivate your potential audience, use these following tactics:

  1. Give out coupon codes

Incentives are always a winner. Drum up sales and get your customers to engage with you via social media by offering them a coupon code for an interaction via Facebook or Twitter. This will not only increase sales, but also boost the amount of people who are actively following you.

  1. Offer free shipping

Everyone loves free shipping, so why not offer it to your customers this year? Offering to waive the shipping is a great way to get a new customer to make an order.

  1. Use a hashtag

This may seem small and insignificant, but hashtags can convert into more sales! Come up with a unique hashtag that is related to your product or business and include an additional hashtag such as ‘#holidaysale’ with it.

  1. Create a flash sale

A flash sale is a limited one time offer that expires rather quickly. Flash sales are a great way to entice people to buy and while they are shopping. 9 times out of 10 people will buy what is on sale. Make sure to advertise the event at least a week beforehand in order to boost followers.  

  1. Utilize Pinterest

Social media is becoming more and more visual. People often research themes and information via Pinterest. Especially if you sell a visually appealing product, don’t forget to link your holiday promotions to this source!

  1. Post appealing images

Never post without using an image! Posting a photo to compliment your text increases the odds of a click by a ton! No one can resist a funny or visually stimulating photo.

  1. Create an online giveaway

Everyone loves a giveaway. Many potential customers will flock to your site in hopes of being a winner. Not sure what to give away? Consider a crowd pleaser that can be branded, such as a personalized cutting board. At Wholesale Cutting Board USA, we are a cutting board wholesaler with a wide variety of products to choose from. We can offer you affordable boards to appeal to the masses.

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To receive wholesale pricing, the minimum order requirement is 20 cutting boards of one of our cutting board models listed below. Most models can be ordered in either Maple or Walnut and some are available in Cherry wood.

To receive wholesale pricing, the minimum order requirement is 20 cutting boards.